Wednesday, September 10, 2008

new dream

So I, for some reason, was driving around town with no direction when I decided to stop at the Orleans Casino. It didn't look like the orleans, but roll with that, because I am pretty sure it was. Suddenly I have this man following me and of course that is a little creepy. He's not trying to be sneaky, he is standing right next to me, making small talk and trying to walk me to my car. So I think he's going to try something, but I keep walking. Suddenly he becomes my protector because there are worse people around trying to scare me or hurt me or something. But of course I am lost, and I can't find my car and this man turns into someone I know very well and he continues to help me look for my car. Right before I wake up he says, "you know, I can hear your voice with every death." 

Does that mean I am some kind of Grimm Reaper?! On top of that, I never did get to my car and never found out what that meant. Certain people need to get out of my dreams, thats for sure.

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