Friday, September 12, 2008

sums it up!

So life is good. I wake up around 8 or 9am and check my e-mail and usually remain in my pajamas until...well whenever I want. At some point throughout the day, I look for a job, usually craigslist, since I can find the most relevant, local and abundant job postings. Though they aren't always "ideal." Summer just ended, but you could count on about once a week, I was found in my sister's pool entertaining little girls and trying to catch a few rays in between, to which I owe a fabulous tan line that I couldn't be more proud of.  On days not spent by the pool, I'd find a little time for freelance work at whatever point in the day I feel like working on it (unless there are deadlines) and maybe sneak in a trip to the gym, bank, lunch with a friend or shopping for my roommate, Mindy. Strange, I know, but she hates shopping and I love it. She has money and I  don't. So shopping for her quenches my craving to shop and helps her out too. I love when things work out like that.
So I made no money this summer, took no extravagant trips or had any incredible romances, but I could not trade it for the amazing clarity this  work hiatus has brought me. I think God knew that my brain and emotions needed some time off after the traumatic spring I had. Some time to regroup and focus on the next stage in life-MARRIAGE!- haha just kidding, hopefully finding my career and figuring out where I am supposed to be. 
Most of the time my brain is going 100 miles/minute with infinite lists of things I want to accomplish. Short term: find a job, learn web design, flash and 3D better, paint more, get in better shape, find a new perfume, arrange living situations, read more, plan a vacation, get an iPhone :), hike cathedral gorge, etc. Long term: Get out of debt, find a career, travel more, get married, have babies, buy a house, keep in touch with friends better, buy a bike, etc. Which leads, I suppose to stress, which I don't feel, but I know its there. Reality is that we need goals, but to not let them discourage us and to take them one at a time and God will help us along in one way or another if we are trying. 
Wow, what better time to start blogging than at 1:00am when you have no job. Even better to know that I can be found, but that I am not telling anyone...

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